Thursday, September 20, 2012

Guiding your reader is a very important part of writing. without it, your reader will most likely become lost and bored. Guiding them is a way to help push them through the story. You'll want to make what you're saying interesting so that they will want to continue reading. If your  reader ceases the desire to read what you wrote, then you have failed as an author. Titles are a good way to introduce the reader and to sort of grab their attention. Aside from the cover and your name the first thing they see on either  a book, magazine, or beginning of an article, is the title. The title is what attracts and draws your audience into your writings.

Monday, September 17, 2012

So yes, i am doing another post in the same day. im trying to catch myself up to the 8 or so were supposed to have done. This one is about generating ideas. What i do most is the free writing. its not that i didnt like the others too much its just this what ive always done because im lazy and it involved the least amount of rewriting and thinking to do again. im not a big one for thinking. im more a doing kind of person. i know that isnt the best wording but thats my point. i do a better job verbally saying my thoughts than sitting typing them behind a computer. nut i suppose thats my fault for taking a writing class instead of a speech one.
Well i've started reading the first text. i know im a little behind on getting started for this but oh well. I unfortunately cant really relate to any of the stuff theyre talking about. ive always been able to just sort of read it and stuff sinks in. Im a fast reader so it helps also. Every once in a while i will go back to re-read but not that often. Im not really a fan of blogging ether but appparently its good for us, sooooo thats where im at. Im not quite sure why i need to do it seeing as im trying to get my certification to be a mechanic. And last time i checked mechanics dont really do too much blogging.