Friday, December 7, 2012

Well this is my last day of actual school i guess. Next week is finals. Im definitely glad this semester is over. It has been long, and hard, and not much fun. I enjoyed my automotive class. But the other gen eds were not fun. i didnt get all of my blogs done but i did get quite a few of them and for trying to jut catch up id say i didnt do to horrible. Oh well we live and we learn. Itll be better next semester because im taking the semester off from gen eds ad just going to do some car classes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

ahhh. The late noght favors you do for those special friends. He's not actually a specail friend or andything. But my friend david who ive known since i was in middle school had lost his id. SO he called me up adn i went to the gas station for him to get him some squares. I don't like smoking and dont agree or underttand why people do it. I have before and just never found why. They dont taste good and they make your breath and clothes stink super bad. But he was a friend so it was all good. Hes helped me out a few times too.
Gahhh! so much is going on in life right now. Im so broke it's not even funny, im attempting to do good at work which, if anything, is the only thing im succeeding at. ANd just so much. I owe a  good amount of money to my grandpa. i owe money for 2 speeding tickets i have. I also owe my friends mom money. And my parents. Life just seems to be just so much right now. I know that ill make it thru but it just seems so difficult. Im just trying to take life one day at a time. Hopefully God will allow me to make it thru.
Another good day at work today. I still wonder about doing my gen eds for college. To be a mechanic i dont need them but oh well. My parents want me to do them and seeing as they are paying for them ill do them. Im not looking forward to finals next week at all. My classes for the most part im lost in. My math class im sort of following along but math has never been a strong point. I have my english class but that class i have no idea about anything. It is a pointless class i can hardly ever make it through the whole thing. Oh well well see how it goes.
Well i have successfully made it through almost my second week of work at Ford. I really enjoy working there still. The only complaint is that it has been super slow. Most of my day consists of me standing around. If i get lucky ill get to go talk to  the mechanics and learn some stuff on what theyre working on. They are all really cool and its always a good time. Alot of them are funny and there is a lot of goofing around in the shop. It's a lot of fun because its all guys. I dont mean that in a weird way but the fact that you can do what ever you want makes it kinda fun.