Friday, December 7, 2012

Well this is my last day of actual school i guess. Next week is finals. Im definitely glad this semester is over. It has been long, and hard, and not much fun. I enjoyed my automotive class. But the other gen eds were not fun. i didnt get all of my blogs done but i did get quite a few of them and for trying to jut catch up id say i didnt do to horrible. Oh well we live and we learn. Itll be better next semester because im taking the semester off from gen eds ad just going to do some car classes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

ahhh. The late noght favors you do for those special friends. He's not actually a specail friend or andything. But my friend david who ive known since i was in middle school had lost his id. SO he called me up adn i went to the gas station for him to get him some squares. I don't like smoking and dont agree or underttand why people do it. I have before and just never found why. They dont taste good and they make your breath and clothes stink super bad. But he was a friend so it was all good. Hes helped me out a few times too.
Gahhh! so much is going on in life right now. Im so broke it's not even funny, im attempting to do good at work which, if anything, is the only thing im succeeding at. ANd just so much. I owe a  good amount of money to my grandpa. i owe money for 2 speeding tickets i have. I also owe my friends mom money. And my parents. Life just seems to be just so much right now. I know that ill make it thru but it just seems so difficult. Im just trying to take life one day at a time. Hopefully God will allow me to make it thru.
Another good day at work today. I still wonder about doing my gen eds for college. To be a mechanic i dont need them but oh well. My parents want me to do them and seeing as they are paying for them ill do them. Im not looking forward to finals next week at all. My classes for the most part im lost in. My math class im sort of following along but math has never been a strong point. I have my english class but that class i have no idea about anything. It is a pointless class i can hardly ever make it through the whole thing. Oh well well see how it goes.
Well i have successfully made it through almost my second week of work at Ford. I really enjoy working there still. The only complaint is that it has been super slow. Most of my day consists of me standing around. If i get lucky ill get to go talk to  the mechanics and learn some stuff on what theyre working on. They are all really cool and its always a good time. Alot of them are funny and there is a lot of goofing around in the shop. It's a lot of fun because its all guys. I dont mean that in a weird way but the fact that you can do what ever you want makes it kinda fun.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Well I successfully completed my first week at my new job. So far I love it and all the guys i work with have been great. Today one of the service writers got mad at Me and Don. But it was only because the way he wrote the repair order made no sense. The wording was complicated and we just guessed at what we were supposed to do. He ended up coming up to us and ripped the order up in front of us and stormed off. As he walked away he was mumbling about why he even bothers to write them because it's not like anyone bothers to read them. Later we apologized and he wasn't really mad. It was kind of funny tho.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today was my second day at my new job. i recently became a lube tech at my local Ford dealership. It has been a lot of fun and a good learning expeience. Everyone that works there is really cool and we all have a good time joking and messing around with each other. The guy im working with is Don, Don has been working at this particular Ford dealership for 10 years. I'm not sure how old he is but hes gotta be lat twenties early thirties. He recent married his girlfriend in April and his one year anniversary is coming up soon. Well relatively speaking as it is less than 6 months away.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another horrible day at work. i recently started working at mcdonalds again as a temp job to keep money flowing. i only got the job there again because i knew the manager. unfortunately it isnt any fun. which i kinda knew going not it but oh well. im always tired and cant stand my managers oh well, im leaving for my jpob at ford soon. and then i will hopefully be happy... at least for a little while.
WEll i found out that ive been doing my blogs wrong and now i have to catch up. im not sure if this is gunna be acceptable to do them. but oh well. haha in my eyes as long as they get done i feel like that should be good. Well anyways thankfully i only have a couple of weeks and classes done. im excited to start doing more of my car classes because thats what i truly have a passion for. not this other school stuff. Ive never been really smart but my parents are paying for my school so i gotta do what they want.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Well, things might finally actually turn around for me. I got a job at the local Ford dealership being a entry level technician. Being a mechanic is what ive wanted to do since i was a little boy. My grandpa was a mechanic for Ford for 30 years. My dad has always done his own work on our cars. It just seemed like the thing to do. Especially seeing as im not too good at school. I also have a love for cars that has pushed me to want to be around them. I have a Mustang that is named Mimi. She's the first nice car that ive owned. hopefully she wont be the last one.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Facebook can really be quite deceiving. Mine says i have over 900 friends, yet, i dont know all of them. i understand that and can admit that. i may have met them once or twice, or maybe they know a friend of mine. I dont rely on facebook for friends though. I have a few friends that i actually try to keep in touch with. Most of them though just come and go like the wind. It doesnt really bother me. Maybe it should. but to me if you wanna be apart of my life you can. if you dont, well you dont. Im not going to force you to stay.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Guys really do try their best to do whats good. (most of the time). But all people are just human. we were createed with flaws. Yes, guys like to do stupid things simply because we can, it keeps us entertained. i'm not saying everything we do is stupid, some of it is genuinely good. Most guys calm down once they have found a girl that will calm them down. Even after though, they may say they're happy, they always talk about iif they werent with her, they would still be up to their old antics. Guys will always be guys, my grandpa who is 82, still acts and says stuff like me sometimes. It maybe with different words, but he means the same thing.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Banning English is a terrible idea. IT could never work. It would be much to difficult to get everyone to learn a new language. It's much the same reason that we dont switch from the english standard to the metric system. It would take too long and no one is comfortable enough to make that switch. You'd have to convince the whole country that what you're doing is better than what you're leaving. and then also convince everyone to learn it. THe amount of time and effort that would take is insurmountable.The benefits wouldnt even grant us that much. Switching to the metric system at least would give the world unity because were the only ones who are stubborn and wont change like the rest.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

It wasnt the best time of my life and it wasnt really that much fun either looking back. Marching band was more of one of those "fun things" that your parent think you should do. Like t do it for the experience. Im not quite sure what was supposed to be learned from this but oh well. it was difficult and not much was gotten out of it. West Aurora High school had one of the best marching bands in the nation. Musically very few schools could match us, let alone beat us. WE could never compete legitamally though because we didnt have aenough steps in our routine. It seemed like we did from all the moving we had to do for practice.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Phone companies have a tough job. They have to come up withan interesting and innovating device that wont  get old to quick and will interest and excite their customers. you dont do this just one time either. you have to do it over and over. Your phone has to be better than what the other people are selling. And when you have competition from people such as apple it can be difficult. I personally cant stand apple. People buy them because its apple. not because the product is good, they buy it for the fruit logo on the back. Im an android fan boy, but thats just. I think it better in almost every way except for battery life. But the new droid razer maxx has a battery life that rivals the iphone. So its nice to see my company catching up to them.
To me, being polite isnt really that difficult. My mother raised me to be polite. So it is juts how i act now. Mostly its towards women and elders but i still do it. The guy code kinda gets in the way so i tend to just follow that instead. But like simple things such as saying please and thank you are just things i think you should do. Its both polite and respectful. Elder women and women with strollers generally appreciate it the most. i help women with little children just by opening the door. Its a simple gesture of kindness. I always feel bad because my mother said no one ever helped her when she was with our stroller for 4. People mostly just gave her dirty looks instead. So i try my best if simply just for the thank you back and a smile. Its always a little bit of sunshine to my day.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Well apparently ive been doing these wrong but now im on track. Im actually readinng and reviewing the correct things now lol. WEll anyways, I really dont agree with the whole vegan thing. Personally it just doesnt seem right. Humans were created to eat meat. The front teeth we have are aspecifically designed for eating meat. They are the same as animals. In my opinion God created the animals. Some of them have no other purpose than to be consumed as food. People say they suffer from getting sick after eating meat. This isnt because they are disgusted by meat. Well mostly. some people might phsyically not be able to eat meat. But if you dont eat your body isnt used to it and doesnt know what to do with it so it needs to expunge it from itslef so people throw up and get rid of it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I feel like literary analysis' are pointless quite honestly. I feel like people try to over-access the works people have written. They try to come up with what the author may have been thinkig when in reality, the author said waht they wanted to in my opinion. They didnt put some secret meaning behind it. They said what they wanted to just because they could. They said what they needed to. All there is to it, is what there is. Teachers i think just think too hard ojn what the author "might have meant" instead of what they did actually mean. They try to make things up as to what they couldve said. And not what they actually did.
Editing pages is one of the final steps to perfecting a piece of literature. You could go in to a final draft having simple mistakes that shoudlve been taken care of in one of the first revisions. Having simple mistakes causes you to lose credibility as a writer. And this could really hurt your rep. You want all your works to be as perfect as they possibly can so that they look good for you and your readers. YOur readers wouldnt want to read some random gibberish that  doesnt make sense even though thats how most of my papers are lol.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Guiding your reader is a very important part of writing. without it, your reader will most likely become lost and bored. Guiding them is a way to help push them through the story. You'll want to make what you're saying interesting so that they will want to continue reading. If your  reader ceases the desire to read what you wrote, then you have failed as an author. Titles are a good way to introduce the reader and to sort of grab their attention. Aside from the cover and your name the first thing they see on either  a book, magazine, or beginning of an article, is the title. The title is what attracts and draws your audience into your writings.

Monday, September 17, 2012

So yes, i am doing another post in the same day. im trying to catch myself up to the 8 or so were supposed to have done. This one is about generating ideas. What i do most is the free writing. its not that i didnt like the others too much its just this what ive always done because im lazy and it involved the least amount of rewriting and thinking to do again. im not a big one for thinking. im more a doing kind of person. i know that isnt the best wording but thats my point. i do a better job verbally saying my thoughts than sitting typing them behind a computer. nut i suppose thats my fault for taking a writing class instead of a speech one.
Well i've started reading the first text. i know im a little behind on getting started for this but oh well. I unfortunately cant really relate to any of the stuff theyre talking about. ive always been able to just sort of read it and stuff sinks in. Im a fast reader so it helps also. Every once in a while i will go back to re-read but not that often. Im not really a fan of blogging ether but appparently its good for us, sooooo thats where im at. Im not quite sure why i need to do it seeing as im trying to get my certification to be a mechanic. And last time i checked mechanics dont really do too much blogging.